708 of 376 lots
[US] Nine Civil War Postal Covers
$200 - $300
Live Auction
Fine Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Coins & Accessories
Nine Civil War Postal Covers, 8 Confederate 1 Union: 1.) Addressed to Statesville NC, no stamp; 2.) Probably a Union cover with humorous war news; 3.) Union cover with "Master Jeff - and his navy"; 4.) Cancelled in Dalton,GA Scott CS-11; 5.) Cancelled in Wilmington, NC printed on the back of a used ledger sheet with Scott CS-11; 6.) Cancelled Feb 19, 1864 Scott CS-11; 7.) Cover cancelled at Montgomery, AL with Stone 1 CS-1 Covered in practice handwriting for either penmanship or forgery; 8.) Cancelled at Petersburg VA Scott CS-6; 9.) Hand Cancelled in Woodstock VA 1863 with CS-7