Diderot's Lutherie Plates & Three More on Instruments
Timed Auction
Railroad Crossing Discovery Auction: Closing February 3rd, 2025
Including a bound set of 34 engraved plates illustrating musical instruments and their construction, with letterpress description, evidently removed from Denis Diderot's ENCYCLOPEDIE (Paris: 1751-1780) folio, sewn but without binding; J. A. Otto, trans. by John Bishop, A TREATISE ON THE STRUCTURE AND PRESERVATION OF THE VIOLIN 3rd. ed., enlarged (London: Cocks, 1875) 12mo, cloth, lacking front flyleaf; R. Wurlitzer sale catalog, "Masterpieces of the Great Violin Makers," 2nd ed. (NY: 1918) 8vo., wraps; and George Dissmore, THE VIOLIN GALLERY (Des Moines, the Author, 1895) 4to., cloth.